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2022 - Here comes the summer (nearly!)


I started blog posting when I started this new website - a year ago now, at the point I went self-employed. I thought it might be regular, but it turned out not to be. Life got busy. I worried a bit about how the winter would be, having worked outside all summer long in 2021. I need not have. Opportunities always seem to arise, one just needs to be ready. There is a lesson there!

A wonderful opportunity arose with the chance to teach for Hotpod Yoga Cambs, and I am now there teaching four times a week for the sublime Nurturing Flow class in the warm, aromatic, low glow of the hotpod.

I have throughout the year continued with the Monday evening class in Milton. This class is the legacy of two fantastic teachers before me, Cynthia and Nadia had it for 8 years each and I had planned to take it on around the Easter of the first year we were in lockdown. So, it has been a wonderful thing to be able to see the veteran group of long-term yogis (and some new to practice) on a weekly basis face to face. Community yoga is always a delight - the word we use to describe it is sangha, and the Milton sangha is going strong.

Chesterton Sports centre were back in touch, when it was safe to do so, and I returned there to teach the class that we all had to drop when covid hit. It was/is wonderful to be back at the sports centre with this group of students on a Tuesday and Thursday, with several of whom I have shared a yoga relationship for years. The group reminded me recently of the days when my son would come with me, when he was small. He nowadays towers over me by a good foot and the days when he would come to yoga with me have passed, at least for now.

The winter months have given me the opportunity to take some CPD (continuing professional development). I formally qualified as a level three SUP yoga instructor with the SUPTA Academy in September. I also uplevelled my paddleboard qualification and am now a level two BSUPA instructor. Somewhat amazingly, I had to pass muster as a powerboat driver in order to gain this and now hold a RYA Powerboat Level 2 license. Finally, I can drive, just not in a car!

The summer 2021 was amazing, with many highlights, previously posted. There was lots of yoga outdoors, lots of campfire and outdoor games, and a good deal of SUP and SUP yoga. Summer 2022 is shaping up to be similar, with some exciting new offerings in store. So, if you are an outdoorsy person with an interest in yoga, water, movement, and nature - watch this space for some simply awesome future happenings. Delightfully this year, I also have an idea of how the winter months might look - we take the joys where we can - and not withstanding the difficulties many are facing at home and abroad, I remember that part of yoga is gratitude practice, and for me, right now, life is sweet.



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